Thursday, February 12, 2015

1) Why do they it?
2) How is it so easy to get it?                                                               
3) Can they stop if they want to?

4) Who would sell drugs to kids?
5) Where do the kids that sell drugs get them from?, Drug Abuse & Addiction, December 2-2014. By Lawren Robinson, High School & Youth Trends, December 13-2014. No author., Health & Parenting, March 12-2014. No author.

1) Why do they do it? From the article Drug Abuse & Addiction and of personal experience its because some are shown the drug life by the parents because the kids see them using drugs since they are little (not all kids but the majority of the kids that do drug do) and the parents do not see it as something bad. They think that its okay for them kids to see that they are doing it and when the kids grow up they think its okay. Another reason is that they do it because they do it for the friends. They do it to fit in the "Cool Kids/Dope Kids/Dope Life/Thug Life/etc". Other kids simply do it because they use it to escape from the life. For example: Some kids use drugs because they are hurt, because they need to relax, because they want to feel like nothing is wrong.

2) How is it so easy to get drugs? From the article High School & Youth Trends and personal experience is easy because the dugs are sell averywehere and in any form. They can be sell in the streets, school, store, through the internet (facebook,tweeter, snapchat,by phone, ect) and is actualy really easy to get it in school. I see kids selling drugs all the time in my school and the kids think its easy and it is. Its easy to sell and buy.
3) Can the kids take use/take drugs stop if they want to? From the article Health and Parenting and from personal experience it is hard for some of them. Its hard to stop using drugs because once you take it you like it and if you like it you want more and if you want more you cant live with out it. But most of the dug dealers give you the first hit for free to get you to like it and the next time they ask you for money.

4) Who would sell drugs to kids? From the article Drug Abuse & Addiction it says that drug dealers don't care about who they are selling it to and what that is going to do to them in the future. Most drug dealers get kids to start using drugs so that that way they would buy from them and than they are going to get addicted and would not be able to stop so that way they would keep on coming and maybe they would tell some friends. Other people just do it because they rally need the money (I'm not saying is good tho) and that's the way that they can support they're family's.
5) Where do the kids/teens the sell the drugs get them from? From the article Drug Abuse & Addiction it says that kids get the drugs from a dealer because if they sell the drugs for them they can get drugs for them for free. Also teens plant weed for them selves to get the money for them. Teens also make drugs from the medicine from the house, friend's, family, or from people from the school. A lot of teens do it because they think is cool and because they sell it to the friend's and every one is around them but when they get arrested by the police they  would not help.

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